Program files: button.h change.cpp egavga.obj (not included) graph.cpp grphtext.cpp keycodes.h litt.obj (not incuded) password.cpp password.exe readme.txt set_up.cpp wait.cpp This password program is not fool proof. I put it at the beginning of my autoexec.bat file but, it can be defeated by bypassing it in DOS 6.0. Anyways, its just to keep honest people honest. All code was written by myself with the exception of the egavga.obj and litt.obj which are Borland object code created from their egavga.bgi and litt.chr files using their bgiobj.exe utility. I did not include the Borland .obj files because I'm not sure if I can legally upload them. I would appreciate any feedback (bad or good) about my program and any suggestions to make it better or more streamlined. My Compuserve number is: 75212,245. Thanks, Michael J. Campbell